15 80s Running Songs
"Hanging on the promises and the songs of yesterday." 2013
I had 87 mix tapes in high school. I know this because I had them. There was one for every occasion:
*love songs (volumes 1-22)
*car music
*break up songs (in ascending order of emotion)
*honorable mentions include the banana boat beach mix, the party in the woods mix, and of course all the workout mixes. This is not to say I worked out a whole lot back then, but when I listen to these songs now, that’s all I wanna do for some reason. Here are a few timeless classics from the 80s that just never got old.
I should also note, I did not go to high school in the 80's, but by the looks of things, we were pretty slow moving on the trends.
I've taken the liberty to add the videos here for extra nostalgia. Just click on the song.
Alrighty, fire up those boom boxes, here we go!!
The boys of summer by Don Henley- This is my signature song. One of my favorites of all time. It reminds me of being outside in the summertime without a care in the world. Great for the beginning of a run.
Midnight Blue by Lou Graham- Have you ever really listened to the words to this song? One of my favorites from this time, with a great message. “I’ve got my shit together so It’s all good right now.”
Here I go again by Whitesnake- This song was also in the movie, The fighter. It was as if the song was brand new again. Love it! And Toni Cotain in this video has motivated me to work on my middle split which is non-existent at the moment. So motivating!
No easy way out by Robert Tepper- In my humble opinion, Rocky IV had the best music of all the Rocky’s. How can you not start running faster when this song comes on? Just when you thought you were alone, Ivan Drago is coming to get your ass!
Lets go crazy by Prince- I love the beginning of this song. It’s the perfect prep to any workout, and when the beat takes off, I speed up like a mad woman.
Don’t stop believing by Journey- Gotta have a little Journey in there, and these three words say it best.
In the air tonight by Phil Collins- I know this song is slow, but have you ever blasted it loudly during an intense workout? Of course, when those drums kick in mid-way, you can’t NOT turn up the volume and go full speed ahead.
Runaway by Bonjovi- Jon actually wrote this song about me and how cute I look in my running shorts. It’s just not documented anywhere, too long of a story to get into details.
Born to run by Bruce Springsteen - Transferred from the “drinking in the woods” mix-tape, I love to zone out to this one and think of some really great memories. I was so lucky to have the group of friends that I did. We did everything together. I always remember sitting in my kitchen for hours, at first to make big plans for the night, only to find 4 hours later we were still there just talking. If I'm going to go down memory lane, why not do it while burning some calories?
Dr feelgood by Motley Crue- When this song begins, it makes me wish, A- I played bass guitar, and B- Nikki Sixx needed a nutritionist. Great song!
Rock me amadeus by Falco- Remember this one-hit-wonder? You can get going at a nice clip during all the choruses.
Beat it by Michael Jackson- One classic song by the king of pop. Whenever I hear it, I get flashbacks of that badass video that my friends and I would reenact in my basement next to the ping pong table. If your workout has any interesting choreography you’d like to break into, now’s the time!
Sunday bloody sunday by U2- If only for the drumbeat alone, you must include this song into your run. Perfect for intervals! I like to do sprints during all the choruses and slow down for the verses.
Take on me by Aha- This is going to sound crazy, but the beat of this song gets you to a nice run at about 6.4 mph if you run the perfect stride. Come for a run with me sometime and I’ll show you what I mean. This video also rocks!
Just like heaven by The Cure- Sweet song, with a nice beat. Cool down to this one and think of someone cute.
~Now go toss on your leg-warmers and go for a happy run! I promise you will smile a few times. Don't see your favorite song? Leave a comment on instagram and let me know. Volume #2 is coming!
Hear the list now on Spotify!
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