A cleanse: "An entry point to a healthy lifestyle."
Dr Frank Lipman
Common Side effects:
*Weight loss (if applicable)
*Identified Food Sensitivities
*Immune system boost
*Better Sleep
*Healthier skin & nails
*Better focus and energy
*A jumpstart to a whole new way of eating and living!
2 weeks after the purification program, I have lost 10 pounds as well as my cravings for sugar, milk products, and wheat.
I have never felt better. Seriously, I have tried every diet known to man and this is the first time that I have been able to lose weight at the same time as improve my health and energy levels. Now I look forward to smoothies, veggies, fruit, and quinoa. My favorite thing to eat is spinach salad with avocado and a side order of quinoa or brown rice!
It took me almost 6 months to be ready to do this program, but when I was finally ready, it was fun and very satisfying. Thanks to Karen for her support, encouragement, and to the program for the daily emails.
Lisa Strawbridge, Boston, MA
This Purification Cleanse has proven to be jaw-droppingly effective; which is why it’s the intro phase to so many of my programs! This is not a fast or a starvation diet (though it can certainly include light intermittent fasting if you choose) and it includes more than just a booklet of guidelines. For more info, check out the webinar I recorded which answers the 10 most asked questions about the cleanse.
Open up those detox pathways &
Cleansing from the inside out will help to purge unwanted garbage from the body. Contributors to the body burden are: environmental toxins, unfiltered water, plastics & other endocrine-disrupting chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food additives, industrialized oils, pesticides, processed food, and unwanted chemicals in beauty and hair care products.
This is not a colon cleanse…(though elimination can be enhanced) but more so, a stimulation of specific detoxification organs, (i.e. your liver, kidneys, and intestines). Once these systems are ignited, they begin to work more efficiently, freeing up the body for sustained energy, weight maintenance, circadian rhythm balance, proper nutrient assimilation, better digestion, blood sugar control, and balanced mood.
What makes this cleanse different? To quote Nieske Zabriskie, ND
"There are two primary detoxification enzymatic pathways in the liver in which chemicals are eliminated or neutralized, known as phase I and phase II reactions. Ensuring that both phase I and phase II are optimally fueled with critical nutrients is vitally important to prevent potential destructive toxic build up and cellular damage. When educating patients in one’s clinical practice on this critical balance, one can compare this process to a relay race and the passing of a “toxic baton” from one runner to another. If either phase I or phase II is inefficient at passing the baton, the race is lost for optimal wellness. It is only through the maximum effort of each member of the team that ultimately yields the best results and ultimate victory."
Put simply:
Phase 1- You've just taken a load of trash to your sidewalk
Phase 2- The garbage man comes and drives it far away towards phase 3 (elimination)
Most cleanses only work phase one of this process, IF THAT!
4-6 days after you sign up for the program, you’ll receive your fully-stocked supplement kit. You’ll strike refined foods, added sugar, caffeine (will adjust per client), alcohol, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, nuts, and most legumes from your diet and trade them out for a fresh fruits & vegetables, clean animal proteins (beginning day 10), and a hand-picked, powerhouse assortment of supplements that include:
whole food shake & protein powder
healing green foods
pure fish oils
cleansing fibers
potent phytochemicals
cell-protecting polyphenols
You’ll receive a grocery list of colorful foods that will keep your blood sugar levels steady and your energy up during the cleanse. Nourishing yourself with nutrient-rich foods (veggies & fruits) provides the complex combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need to protect your body & promote optimal health. You can eat whenever you want and will be given tons of ideas for throwing together healthy foods and loving them!
Program also includes daily motivational emails & delicious recipe ideas including a FREE download of my 25 favorite purification recipes to keep you on track for the full three weeks, guided meditations, a 22 min yoga sequence geared toward detoxification, and private facebook page.
* Nutrition sessions can be added upon request.
Check out the purification video HERE brought to you by standard process. Or listen to this introductory webinar recorded by me!
Already Purchased the program? Head over to your private page here for access to all of these tools.
Note: Above price does not include private nutrition sessions. For more info on sessions, check out the virtual clinic page.
What happens after my cleanse?
Because there’s no one-size-fits all approach to feeling amazing.
This is all about discovering & exploring your individual needs. During my 20+ years of experience in nutrition counseling & life-coaching, I have developed a profiling system that will help you understand your unique health spectrum. Whereas you might have taken health tips from your body-builder brother, your fast food loving BFF, or your aunt who's a green-juice-lovin vegan, this creates a program tailored for YOUR specific needs. Cluing in to your bio-individuality, along with a little guidance is the key to staying healthy.
We begin with an in-depth wellness assessment to identify your physical challenges, food sensitivities, environmental intolerances, mindset, lifestyle preferences, and personality. This helps me pin down your signature profile. From there, we construct a personalized nutrition & lifestyle plan that’s realistic and attainable. This will help you keep your body nourished & radiant long after the program ends!
So you're back in the real world. Now what?
The problem with most weight loss programs is that they’re designed for a “quick fix”. You grow accustomed to having a safe cocoon of professionals watching over you, only to get tossed right back out into the world that gave you such bad habits in the first place. This makes aftercare the most important step of all! Nutritious Yogi has your back!
Accountability is the recipe for success. Email check-ins will provide the extra support you need. You’ll keep a detailed food and exercise journal based on your signature profile throughout the program, and we’ll provide feedback, encouragement, and suggestions for pushing it to the next level. Also be sure to follow me on instagram for continued fun and support!
Still not sure if a cleanse is right for you? Take this short quiz to find out. If your tally is 6 or more in each section, or 40 for the whole quiz, you may want to try out this program.