The Five year turning point: Health, Kennedy, Covid, and my evolution through a broken America
It’s April 19th, 2023. I’m standing in the lobby of the Boston Park Plaza hotel. I’m by myself, but never felt less alone.
I’m standing in the overflow room behind a row of press next to hundreds of people. This may sound funny, but it was the first time in years that I craved eye-contact with strangers. Everyone I saw looked up at me and smiled. Hard to describe, but these were not everyday smiles.. We were an entire soup of independents, dems, republicans, genders, ages, and walks of life all there to see Robert F Kennedy Jr announce his run for president for the 2024 election cycle.
I spoke with many people, all there for different reasons.
For starters, Bobby’s candidacy was not about right or left. It was a mishmash of both with a sprinkling of some libertarian-leaning views and to be honest, just about everything I could ever ask for in a president. He was also the only candidate I’ve ever heard speak about health, regenerative farming, and the state of our environment, which is why I basically fell to my knees when I heard he was running.
I knew of RFK beginning in 2015 when I had my first baby, Tommy. He founded the non-profit, Children’s Health Defense, with a mission to provide a healthier world for our children by reducing or eliminating known toxic exposures of all kinds. Knowledgeable attorneys that hold responsible parties accountable (think an entire team of Erin Brokavich’s, but the exposures are multifaceted). The CHD site is riddled with lengthy, in depth interviews from doctors, scientists, and whistle-blowers providing information on interventions like vaccines that are not normally seen on mainstream media. CDH was an unintended offshoot for Kennedy, since prior he was busy as an environmental lawyer suing polluters as president of Water Keeper Alliance, a network of environmental organizations that work to protect bodies of water in the US and around the globe. His career has taken many twists and turns with a common throughline of being “the people’s advocate” in its purest form.
After a great speech from then campaign manager Denise Kusinich, and introduction by the hopeful & dynamic Cheryl Hines, he began his speech.
You could hear a pin drop for 2.5 hours. I was standing in heels with a gluten-free tuna fish sandwich in my bag that I would’ve otherwise been nervous about people smelling, but for some reason it didn’t matter.
My blisters and my hunger were both in a state of suspension.
Kennedy has what former professor & podcastor, Bret Wenstein refers to as “encyclopedic knowledge” of many things, including history and it’s a pleasure to listen to him draw observations from every war and political event (whether the US was involved or not), why it happened, and what was learned as a result.
He spoke about his family, their history of serving, economics, spirituality, nature, the merger of state and corporate power, and most of all, telling the truth to the American people.
Guess how many times he talked about vaccines.
This was about so much more and everyone in the room knew it.
At the end of the event, I exchanged #s with 2 women, one was more conservative, the other more left-leaning, and we still communicate to this day. Funny enough, I honestly couldn’t even tell you which is right and which is left when we talk, because it was our common values that brought us together. Labels mean nothing- (the first commonality I noticed among Bobby supporters.)
image courtesy of RFK for medical freedom: Kris Rogers
Spoiler Alert
After being pushed out of the democratic primaries, Bobby would go on to run the most successful independent campaign in history (next to Bernie Sanders) getting enough signatures to put him on the ballot in 50 states, despite the deceptive tricks and fraudulent hit pieces put out by the media. After suing him in several states (which was unwarranted), and being excluded from the debates (the vehicle that could have won him the election), he had no choice but to begin a unity ticket with republican nominee, Donald J. Trump. Though there were many disagreements between these two, they undoubtedly had a common enemy. And they agreed on bigger issues like ending war, the economy, censorship, securing the border, but most importantly, taking our country back from deep state technocrates and delivering it back to the American people . It was here that the Make America Healthy Again movement was born where he can fully devote himself to his life’s work and continue the tradition of humanism and rectitude that he learned from his family.
Our children need this now more than ever.
But first: A bit about me politically and personally:
*I’m a classic liberal who lived in Los Angeles from 1997-2012 after 4 years of undergrad at Emerson College in Boston. This of course is back when liberals didn’t like war, loved clean food, water, & working out, hated censorship, and was for health freedom.
* I come from a family of democrats from Scranton, PA. My dad was a card-carrying school-board member and blue collar American dem his whole life. We talked history & politics often as a kid and when I was living in Los Angeles.
*Despite living in LA, I didn’t consider myself tied to political ideology. ( ie, I watched The Daily show & Bill Maher religiously but also flipped over to Bill O’rielly and found myself also agreeing with him at times). I also religiously watched Tuesdays with Dr Phil on Oprah.
*Admittedly, I did consider the space between Cali and NY “fly over states”. Did this make me elitist? Perhaps.
*I thought CNN was “neutral”. (it used to be)
*I voted for Ron Paul in 2008 (remember that war thing?)
*Loved NPR “All things considered” and “Morning becomes eclectic.” (Music fan here)
*Supported Roe V Wade until viability (with all the conditions, like most countries around the world)
*Really don’t like guns at all, but you do you.
*I believe in the sanctity of the Dr/patient relationship and importance of bodily autonomy.
*A person’s physical & mental health is the most important thing in the world, full stop.
None. Of. This. Has. Changed.
In 2013 we lost our dad at 74 to poly-pharmacy and negligence of the healthcare system. I must be upfront about my bias.
The only thing I’d add to this list is now I have 2 kids, Tommy (9) and Maisie (7) so that last one has been amplified.
Flash to Nov 2024, post election
This is not a post I thought I’d be writing.
It’s a bit about what I learned along the way in my quest for truth as this former “hippy, health-loving liberal” which I still am… (I suppose it’s just called “right wing, woo-woo nutjob” now). But I’ve come to learn that labels these days mean absolutely nothing, so have at it.
I hope to take you through my slow evolution over the last 5 years as the curtain was slowly pulled back on the United States sick-care trifecta and how so many of us in the healthspace felt an obligation to do what’s right at a time in our political history with so many moving parts that are currently weighing very heavily.. The division I’m seeing has been sad, yet I believe much of it is out of confusion.
Since many were feeling comforted by some of my post-election reflections on instagram, my intention for this post is to shed some light on how I think so many of us got here, how I personally saw things unfold (many hard truths), and why we need unity if we’re to remain optimistic about what’s to come.
This is not to get anyone to agree or disagree, but sharing my experience in hopes it can be a useful conversation starter for those whose relationships have been affected by our divided country and even more importantly, for my kids/grandkids to read someday as I’m not yet hopeful all points of view will make it to the history books in an honest way.
Flashback 2016 ish
When I first came onto the social media scene…first facebook, followed by instagram), my intention was to talk about personalized health of all kinds which included nutrition, yoga, and wellness from all angles. It has, up until recently, been an extension of what I was doing in my prior years working in Los Angeles as the onsite nutritionist at a live-in, lifestyle & weight loss camp, followed by private clients (oh and having babies), followed by 4 years as a corporate wellness coach at Optum/United Healthcare, then a masters degree (human nutrition), CNS (Certified Nutrition Specialist) credential, and most recently as a clinical nutritionist in an integrative clinic in Boston’s south shore, specializing in neurological health, environmental medicine, and everything in between.
Prior to this, back when I first began studying nutrition in LA, I co-founded a bi-coastal wellness company with my best friend, Abra, who was in NYC, called Nutritious America. I guess you could say I always had a grandiose vision of what it would be like if everyone had the opportunity to live their best life simply by eating whole real foods, moving their bodies, and gaining more spiritual connection between themselves and the planet.
Here is a video bio from 2010, which shows my excitement for nutrition, showing others how to navigate food labels and check for colors, flavors and other fake ingredients all done with a fun sense of humor. At that time, I had the naive assumption that most people can get away with eating some form of “junk food” occasionally without making even the smallest dent in their health. The whimsical attitude was intentional, since the idea was to always get the client to develop a healthy relationship with food and not take everything so damn seriously. After all, food is something that should be enjoyed, not feared.
Then the environment changed…(and with it the food system)
This is not to say this all happened overnight, but the knowledge I accumulated the decade that followed was astounding:
Here I identify 3 main things I discovered about why health was slipping away from so many people:
Most Americans do not consume junk foods only occasionally. Though we’ve always had processed foods, technology has opened up the door for more UPF ( ultra-processed foods) with more on the market every year, all with longer lists of ingredients that do not belong in the human body. Today there are now more than 10,000+ chemical food additives allowed in our food which presents a demanding challenge to the FDA and its ability to productively assess the safety of each one. What’s more, these foods have become so hyperpalatable and addictive, the idea of eating them in moderation is nearly impossible. This is, of course, intentional.
I remember sitting at a nutrition conference a few years ago when the current farm bill was discussed. It makes sense when you see what the government subsidizes that current food guidelines promote processed cereal above meat & eggs for a balanced meal.
A recent senate roundtable with a panel filled with doctors, researchers, and health experts shed light on this important topic and how it’s deeply connected to today’s health crisis along with other important issues the MAHA (make America healthy again) movement wants to tackle. Note: It goes much deeper than fruit loops, fluoride, and raw milk.
Two of the roundtable panelists, Calley Means, a former food lobbyist who reveals ominous tactics used by food and pharma companies and the cushy relationship between these large entities and their regulators, and his sister, Casey Means, MD, a Stanford-trained surgeon and author of the book, Good Energy, connect the dots and reveal what’s at stake in their most recent Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson interviews accumulating millions of views. Prior to this, books like Michael Pollan’s 2006 The Omnivore’s Dilema were beginning to report the information, rightly referring to UPF as “edible food-like substances”. Then came many more including pediatric neuroendocrinologist, Robert Lustig’s 2021’s Metabolical, and Functional MD, Mark Hyman’s 2022’s Food Fix, all of which illustrate the corrupt healthcare paradigm in the United States and the nefarious trifecta of agriculture (corn & soy are cheap bc their subsidized by the government) food(lack of nutrients in soil + sprays & pesticides), and finally pharma, where we come when we’re sick, get prescribed drugs to curb symptoms before arriving at the mercy of the insurance companies. Round and round the gravy train goes, making millions of dollars for all involved except for the sick Americans consuming them.
2. The silent killers
The simultaneous addition of what I call the silent, slower killers, i.e. pesticides, herbicides like glyphosate, (a known carcinogen and genotoxin), along with thousands of contaminants that are added to our food system each year. I learned how ubiquitous pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate are and how more recent practices allow these chemicals to be sprayed on crops upon harvest making them more insidious. This, coupled with environmental contaminants, i.e. atrazine, fluoride, and more recent embellishments to the tech age like 5G and electromagnetic radiation have known consequences to the body, especially those of children. EMF’s have gotten lots of attention lately for their profound connection to inflammation, oxidative stress, tumors, and blood brain barrier disruption, though they often get dismissed since they’re invisible and easy to ignore. These chemicals only amplify our polluted food system and can cause health problems either on their own, or serve as a trigger to an already existing health problem. This is also true for vaccines, and can be an entire post on its own. Silent killers are all tipping points.
3. Many don’t have access to real food.
Back in 2010, during the Nutritious America phase of my career, we had a dinner party for a brand documentary we were shooting that required all attendees to bring food that was grown no more than 100 miles from their home. Though we had the right intentions to educate our fans on the importance of eating local for nutrient density, and overall cost, if we were to pan out of our Los Angeles/NYC bubble and out to many areas of America, we’d see this was far from achievable. According to 2019 data, more than 53 million (17%) of Americans are considered low-income, and have little to no access to actual supermarkets, let alone farmer’s markets or foo-foo specialty stores. It’s also no surprise that their health is suffering. An eye-opening 2019 study published in JAMA network illustrated the lack of progress we’ve made in heath equity in the last 25 years and should serve as a wake up call to all contributors of the social determinants of health.
This was most heart-breaking to discover.
So as years went by, more data flooded into pubmed, and things started to shift. It became harder and harder to keep folks on track using my “eat real food, & get moving’ slogan” since the system, beginning at the level of agriculture, had become so corrupt.
It’s gotten to the point where I now sit in front of countless overwhelmed parents who’ve already spent thousands of dollars on healthcare for their child yielding no results, (and in many cases told they’re crazy) only to land in our functional clinic whose mission is to help identify root cause and support their condition with multiple modalities. But most importantly, the care is personalized to the patient so there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all treatment.
Having kids makes you triple research everything, and it’s no joke to say no one does more research than a mom.
For those who are new to my channels (understandable since I’m not that visible except on Instagram stories), my Tommy, now 9 is high functioning ASD (autism spectrum disorder) with PANS flares (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome) with pervasive ADHD and OCD symptoms. So now take that triple research and add an extra 50 hours per week, on top of being a clinical nutritionist. This means my head was/is in a study, a webinar, a podcast, or a book on health conditions most of my days. But especially in more recent years, I’ve been dumbfounded by what I’m seeing.
Some Stats
*29.7 million people of all ages—or 8.9% of the U.S. population—had diagnosed diabetes (CDC 2021)
*Nearly 30% teens (12-19) have pre-diabetes
*The general fertility rate in the United States decreased by 3% from 2022, reaching a historic low.
*Between 15 and 30 million people in the United States suffer from autoimmune disease, and the # is climbing
*77% adults can’t serve in military bc of obesity or drug abuse
*1 in 36 kids have autism spectrum disorder (1/22 in California).
*90% of the 4.5 trillion health care dollars we spend in the United States is going to chronic illness.
*Our life expectancy is now 6-10 years less than Europeans.
*Life expectancy in the US is the lowest of all high income nations yet we spend the most $.
Why is this not front page news and considered a public health emergency?
It’s because the bills of legacy media are paid by pharma.
So in the years leading up to 2020, I felt like I was doing just as much advocacy on social media as I was providing nutrition education.
Otherwise I just didn’t feel authentic in my messaging. Or better phrased, I had to start being honest and admit how the odds were so undoubtedly stacked against living a healthy lifestyle. There became too many hoops. It was no longer enough to just be sure to get your veggies in. Now you had to be sure they were organic, with pasture-raised meats, A2 or raw dairy, (otherwise they’re raised inhumanely and injected with hormones) which most people in America cannot afford. And for a TRUE anti-inflammatory diet, we also have to pay attention to ubiquitous seed oils ( ie.grapeseed, canola, sunflower), and gluten, a protein in wheat that the human body cannot fully digest as the gliadin portion is not broken down and the back up systems the body has in place seem to be weakening as the uptick in non celiac gluten sensitivities seems to be growing as well.
If wheat were wheat and seeds were seeds
On their own, true ancient grains and raw seeds/legumes can absolutely be beneficial to the body, but now they’re oxidized, bleached, refined, and processed to oblivion, (how canola oil is made), yielding a strong net negative contributing to many conditions. But tell me, when was the last time you went to a grocery store? (yes, even Whole Foods). The aisles are swimming with these foods, even the organic varieties.
Is gluten free always better?
Today, about 90% of the patients in our clinic did not see the needle move on their health until they went 100% gluten free, but even that industry has become precarious since the ingredients being substituted (rice, cassava, almond) are often even MORE refined or dosed with heavy glyphosate residue. In the summer of this year, Zen Honeycutt & Moms Across America tested 46 samples of gluten-free foods including gluten-free snack foods, flours, breads, and desserts looking for pesticides, minerals, and gluten itself. “The results are disturbing and affect at least 20 million people who eat gluten-free food in America.” ZH.
And we haven’t even talked about water. Nowadays, if you don’t have a top of the line reverse osmosis filter, +UV, you’re getting many of these physical, chemical, and biological pollutants (arsenic, copper, THM’s etc) + the aforementioned glyphosate, atrazine (a known endocrine disrupter), microplastics (6 billion tons that affect multiple body systems), and fluoride (linked to neurological defects and halted in many countries already).
And another study that just came out today regarding PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl substances), another class of manufactured chemicals with enormous half-lives that take the body a century to break down. In previous observational studies PFAS have been linked to cancer, liver damage, and fertility issues, all of which have skyrocketed in our country. What’s interesting about this study is it’s one of the first to analyze PFAS in relation to food access and exposure to industrial pollution.
There are many more examples, but as long as industry lobbyists are dictating our food standards, nothing will change.
Note that many of the topics discussed so far have been major focal points of Robert Kennedy Jr’s campaign and the center of his work as an environmental attorney.
As I mentioned, he is the founder of Children’s Health Defense, So you can imagine that as I’m witnessing what I just explained above (The 3 umbrellas of food system, environmental pollutants, and food insecurity),in my head he was president of the United States in some euphoria world.
More on RFK (aka, Bobby) later…
First, it’s important to understand that the biggest drivers of disease are mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation, and the conditions themselves (heart disease, cancer, ADHD, diabetes, etc) are all nestled under these umbrellas. But the dark cloud raining over these umbrellas are cells starving for clean energy that must come from whole foods, pure air, and clean water. Yes it’s true that genes can load the gun, but lifestyle and environment will always pull the trigger.
So though it was once cool to say, “eat everything in moderation” it is now glaringly evident that aiming high only gets you moderation. In other words, even if we biohack the hell out of our lives and do everything perfectly, we’re still susceptible to more chronic disease than we ever were before and it’s getting worse with every generation.
An all too common scenario for child in the US today:
Born via C-section >put under fluorescent lights >given a Hep B shot> fed factory-made baby formula > goldfish & cheerios at daycare (2 high glyphosate foods) > laptop learning (since parents are overwhelmed and working constantly) > hyper-palatable addicting foods during their childhood (fast food, doritos, lunchables) > a slew more vaccines > ear infections >antibiotics > more ear infections > more antibiotics > social media instead of going outside, followed by an “unforeseen” diagnosis of PTSD as a teenager since the doctors can’t figure out where his/her GI issues are coming from.
Now let’s say that same child also happened to be predisposed to some type of autoimmunity in utero. Any one of these triggers could send them over the edge into more severe neurological complications like ASD and its spectrum.
Currently, 1 in every 36 children has autism in the United States according to CDC data ( 1 in 22 in California) and predictions made by senior research scientist at MIT, Stephanie Seneff on this issue are staggering. Seneff has dedicated the last several years studying glyphosate, vaccines, ASD, and other neurological and degenerative diseases.
She, along with many other doctors & scientists are continuously drawing strong connections between these environmental contaminants and their effects on the brain, but I always wondered why they were never really discussed publicly or given any mainstream attention.
Surely the American Association of Pediatrics is concerned about this. (insert emoji of choice).
Enter Covid
I’ve seen things unfold in the last 4 years that I never thought I’d see in the United States, and a subset of the population just want it to move on and pretend it never happened.
There are literally hundreds of surreal moments where I wanted to scream from the rooftops, “Why isn’t anyone else seeing this?” But due to this already lengthy post, I’ve narrowed it down to a few pivotal moments/events.
Basically, from 2020 until present (which is now Dec 2024), I watched this personalized approach to healthcare, nutrition, and disease (which we had little of to begin with) all but vanish. In order to avoid being shadow-banned or censored on social media, I buried a lot of my criticism of what was happening into a blog post from the summer of 2022, entitled,” my thoughts on the impossible burger” and how it all ties into the corporate kleptocracy we experienced during these years. It’s a fun read on how I saw things unfolding as a wellness coach at one of the biggest banks in the world, so definitely check it out.
My progression took time because I was in denial like many.
Trust me, I was the queen of the virtue-signalers during the earlier days of the pandemic…reposting “stay home” memes and pictures of black farmers after George Floyd, only to watch all the other health influencers go back to business as usual the next day, with pictures of beautiful food, and videos in their lulu shorts & matching sports bras. Jan 6th came and went in the same, influencers sounding the alarm on hate, without any deeper questioning as to WHY these catastrophic things were happening to our country, when in many ways we were making progress.
The COVID death ticker on the CNN crawl vanished during these events, but once they’d squeeze out enough political drama to convince us all that either “cops were all racist”,”Russia is to blame”, or “Trump was a demon”, we’d move onto the next thing, which was…oops back to Covid. Now the biggest pushback tossed out when being critical of the US response to the pandemic is that you’re downplaying the severity of the disease. It’s just that when you stratified risk/benefit ratio, certain populations fared far worse than others, and whether or not you believe early treatments (Iver, hydroxy) worked or not, the decision to use them should have been at the hands of patients and their doctors. Persecuting physicians who used them was an egregious red flag and it was then that we knew there would be a unilateral approach being pushed upon every citizen of the US.
Something felt off.
In 2020 I remember flipping back and forth to all the TV stations and the biggest talking point, (almost in unison) was “well until the vaccine is available”...”we can do _xx__ once the vaccine is here,”...”social distancing, hand sanitizer, masking (all of which had proven negative health consequences) need to happen until…(yep you guessed it) …the vaccine arrives.”
It was almost as though the pharmaceutical companies were preemptively laying the groundwork for what was to come, and there’s no better platform for this than mainstream media. This way, they could scare as many people as possible while simultaneously offering their magical solution, none of which had anything to do with modulating the immune system or promoting true health. This is marketing 101 and it was working on millions of people.
What unfolded from there were piles of horrific public health decisions that can each have a book on their own including:
Closing of schools (biggest disruption in the history of American education with mountains of evidence to support this position as its effects on mental health were concerning early on.) Schools were closed to in person learning an upwards of 2 years in some states.
Masking children & toddlers- no evidence to support this and it yielded net harm, especially among special needs children of which there are now millions. At first I was reluctant to speak out on this absurdity because at the very beginning, I didn’t think it was a big deal for adults to do for a few weeks. Then I listened to a PPE expert clearly state that the particle size of the virus is so small that the types of masks that were being worn were supplying no benefit. I then researched this on my own through multiple sources and came to the same conclusion.
Here is a video from April of 2021 I posted on my instagram feed with my increasing concerns. The video playing is with 2 highly qualified PPE experts at the North Dakota Legislative Assembly.
So many flashbacks of that time that I hate thinking about. Like watching my 2 year old come in from the grocery store with our nanny and she had her paw patrol mask on. All I could see was her eyes since the mask that she was trying to pull off was covering up most of her face. She was a baby, how was this ok?
And Tommy’s school grade K graduation, which fell on a very hot day in June where the kids were paraded outside with masks on, singing songs with sweat pouring down their faces.
My face was red with fury and I know I wasn’t the only one, but I feel like so many were afraid to speak out.
It was then that I started writing letters to the schools only to get the runaround of “we’re just following CDC guidelines” when what they should’ve said was, “we don’t get government funding unless these ridiculous rules are in place.”
This followed into the next year with silent lunches in first grade. This included children with special needs who thrived on facial communication and appropriate engagement.
Watching children and babies sleep on airplane flights was especially hard to watch. But then it became ok to take off if they were eating a snack?
So I started writing letters to school superintendents about my concerns with masking and I was sharing some on my instagram stories with no idea how they’d be received. It turned out many people were just as troubled and before long I was getting messages daily from moms asking for copies of my letter to send to their schools since it was clear & concise and contained several references.
Vaccine Mandates (brought on from the Biden administration in 2021 and would go on to cost many livelihoods and actual lives). There are many resources and studies on the mRNA infections throughout this post and below.
Censorship (the twitter files exposed the white house collusion with social media companies in efforts to promote a one-sided narrative. Hundreds of prominent doctors and scientists were silenced for asking questions. Kennedy’s instagram page which gathered over 1 million instagram followers at the time was taken down immediately after Biden took office for writing a post that turned out to be true. Many would follow.
I see a lot of posts about people on one side standing for “hate”. I should first say that I don’t condone hateful speech of any kind. But there’s another kind of hate. One that shuts conversations down.
Mark Zuckerberg shed some light on what was happening during covid when the whitehouse pressured social media companies to censor content, and of course what Matt Taibbi and other journalists discovered with the twitter files.
It’s horrifying to think that if the election went the other way, so many voices would be silenced once again. Outside of places like “X”,rumble and independent platforms, censorship and shadow-banning are still going on. In fact there are still many Joe Rogan episodes not found on youtube as well as almost any interview highlighting Kennedy in a positive light.
Lockdown Lunacy
Isolation is the worst thing for a human being’s mental health, and thousands (yes) of doctors and scientists were concerned about this.
Epidemiologist & professor of medicine at Stanford Medical School, Dr Jay Bhattacharya’s talks with Dr Drew Pinsky and lays out precisely what was happening.
The Great Barrington Declaration
Along with Bhattacharya, attempting to offer a different viewpoint regarding the lockdowns where Dr Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University. Together they laid out a plan for more targeted protection for more vulnerable populations during the lockdown period in order to avoid the entire world coming to a halt. Instead of being applauded and celebrated for trying to save the livelihoods of so many, their reputations were destroyed.
The bottom line is the public did not know there were scientists that disagreed, because the government created an illusion of consensus, and here’s one way they did it.
Along with some independent media, Ask Dr Drew became a wonderful platform during these years as he questioned many whistleblowers (attorneys, doctors, researchers, etc) and provided an alternate view than the one we were being told at the NY times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and much of social media.
All while preaching“black lives matter” and “we’re all in this together” the pandemic response hit black households much harder. According to a Household Pulse Survey, non-Hispanic black adults had higher rates of economic and mental health hardships than non-Hispanic whites.
Everywhere you looked there was hypocrisy and continued all the way up to election season and beyond.
Thankfully, many courageous journalists and hosts (even some left-leaning) were speaking on hypocrisy, antiscience, and overreach during covid. Here are some of my favorites, and they were all true.
Give it to me straight, doc, Bill Mahr’s New Rules from the end of 2021.
How the left lost its mind over covid and became authoritarians, Jimmy Dore
You won’t believe the science around mask mandates, Jimmy Dore
The lockdowns: Things that make you go “hmmmmm”, speed-round…
*NY covid czar, Dr Jay Varma having sex parties at height of pandemic.
*Governor Newsom dining out at French Laundry in late 2020 while telling people not to see family at Thanksgiving.
*Freezing truck drivers’ bank accounts while peacefully protesting Covid Mandates in Ottawa, Canada.
*Children being sent home from emergency rooms with other illnesses (bacterial infections, sepsis, etc) because of covid.
*Gyms closed (the place where you go to get healthy). Also no discussion of vitamin D, zinc, melatonin, quercetin, and other nutraceuticals that support the immune system.
*Churches, spiritual gatherings, yoga studios closed- Community is everything and would have united us during this time.
*Playgrounds closed- hands down the best place a child could have been. Who will be accountable for this decision?
*People dying alone in hospitals.
Government's relationship with private industry was on full display during this time, but the part that bothered me the most was how out of touch the government seemed to be with the human experience. Many families could not even hold proper funerals for their loved ones and it was heartbreaking to see.
*Tony Fauci, Peter Hotez & Michelle Walinski on MSM lying about masks, social distancing, & origin of virus night after night.
If you questioned anything at all, from the origins of the virus, to the lockdowns, to the safety and efficacy of the mRNA novel vaccines, you were called a racist & a conspiracy theorist or lost your license and your reputation all together.
But wait…weren’t we the hippy party who hated pharma? But then… Obamacare
I believe it was 2019 when my eyebrows first squinted as royal blue states like NY and CA were becoming more strict with their vaccine laws and the loss of exemptions to attend school. Back then, I was ignorant to the whole situation and remember thinking, “well this is strange… shouldn’t this be happening in states where establishment republicans reigned over policy?”
What I didn’t realize was that Obama care changed a LOT, including the democrats relationship with pharma. Getting these companies on board (an $80 billion investment), would mean they would in exchange receive more competitive pricing for their drugs.
Agreement stated here:
1. Agree to increase of Medicaid rebate from 15.1–23.1% ($34 billion)
2. Agree to get FOBs done (but no agreement on details — express disagreement on data exclusivity which both sides say does not affect the score of the legislation.) ($9 billion)
3. Sell drugs to patients in the donut hole at 50% discount ($25 billion)
This totals $68 billion
4. Companies will be assessed a tax or fee that will score at $12 billion. There was no agreement as to how or on what this tax/fee will be based.
Total: $80 billion
In exchange for these items, the White House agreed to:
1. Oppose importation
2. Oppose rebates in Medicare Part D
3. Oppose repeal of non-interference
4. Oppose opening Medicare Part B
This explains what was about to go down, not just in relation to the mass vaccination program, but it’s also what’s connected to the “get your flu shot” signs at your kids “well visits”, and taxpayers now funding drugs like Ozempic for children as the standard of care with the Treat & Reduce Obesity Act of 2023. There is no question that well-studied drugs absolutely have their place, but it’s to the point where many are now recommended as the first line of care for certain conditions.
In all fairness, I applauded Obama’s pausing of gain of function research via his moratorium in 2014, (even though Fauci was able to get around it), but the downstream effects of Obamacare would mean that pharmaceutical lobbyists were now dictating public policy and it was now the democrat policy makers who were most courted.
Looks like the money now flowing from pharma to congress is mostly democrats and some RINOs & establishment Rs.
*More Censoring of doctors & suppression of early treatments- The very same day authorities learned to even pronounce the medications doctors were using with their patients, they were being banned.
That tells you all you need to know about the excesses that were going on. Doctors were blatantly demonised for sharing their protocols all for political reasons. At that point we knew the safety profiles of drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as they had decades of research behind them, and whether you agreed with their efficacy profile or not (could be a whole post on its own), it never justified the flatout banning of these drugs. In fact it drew many more red flags, because if there was in fact an effective treatment, they never would have been able to promote a mass vaccination program and propagandize the American public as successfully as they did.
If a doctor asked questions, they were shut down not only by their universities but by big tech, media, and medical institutions like NIH. This was hands down a concerted effort.
A new Canadian documentary called Covid Collateral illustrates this well.
And the hospital protocols that were taking place were astonishing and rightfully laid out in the documentary Vaxxed 3 where vaccinated were getting very different treatments than un-vaxed with ventilators entering the picture at odd timelines, only to have the patients die shortly after being on them.
Oh did I mention that hospitals did in fact receive additional money for treating COVID patients as part of CARES or Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act for medicare patients (and age 65 or older made up a huge percentage of those in the hospital at that time)? So then what diagnosis do you think was then slapped onto someone who was treated for something non-related (ie, car accident, alcohol poisoning, etc) but also happened to test positive for C-vid?
I know families who experienced this personally.
And the shots themselves….(more quick facts)
*Never tested for transmission. So why mandates?
Remember the yoga journal article on being a responsible citizen and practicing ahimsa by getting your shot? That was one of the first red flags for me. Did we even know that these stopped transmission of the virus? We knew soon enough that they were never even tested for transmission as Pfizer exec admits here.
Yet, mandates began in 2021 for federal employees, the military, and businesses all across the United States, and though I was eminently judgmental of Donald Trumps declaration of “operation warp speed”, he was, nevertheless, not a proponent of mandates.
The substacks and OpEds of many doctors like Peter McCollough, MD (seeing first-hand consequences of the shots via his patients), Dr Pierre Kory (early treatments that were demolished), pathologist, Dr Ryan Cole (amyloid & spike protein in autopsies), Vinay Prasad, MD, a San Francisco prof & oncologist from UCSF with ( this systematic review and myocardidis in young males., and a recent video entitled 10 things we can see in healthcare in a Trump administration which is also worth a watch for those who are still skeptical of Kennedy the boogieman). More on this later.
Then came the Pfizer Papers (2021 data)
Dr Naomi Wolf, (another former lefty) advocate of women and personal liberties, was tossed into a controversial space with her illustration of the excesses of the Covid 19 response entitled, The Pfizer Papers which punctures any statement you may hear from your covidian friends i.e., “well we didn’t know” or “we did the best we could with the information that was available,” For example, Pfizer knew many of the devastating consequences of the mRNA infections and Wolf brilliantly shines a light on numerous flaws of their clinical trials as she and a team of doctors & scientists reviewed the 450,000 Pfizer documents released by court rulings.
“The reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, including to the reproductive system; show that women suffer vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”(PP, 2024)
The FDA went to court to keep these documents hidden for 75 years. Why would they want to hide this information from the American public? Thank goodness for Aaron Siri and team who sued to get this information out.
This is just one example of how these federal agencies lied to the American public as well as the vax manufacturers, our friends Pfizer and Moderna.
This past year, Dr McCollough made an urgent request for the next administration to have these shots pulled from the market immediately for further testing.
As I write this, a substack came through with this (twice censored) study liking deaths to the mRNA injections with 2 stand out points being:
"mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days"
"73.9% of deaths were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 Vaccination."
Dr. McCullough on the COVID Jab: “I have never seen something so injurious to the human body.”
• It invades the brain.
• It invades the heart.
• It causes brain and heart damage.
• It invades the bone marrow.
• It stimulates antibodies to cells and platelets.
• It causes blood clotting and damage to blood vessels like we've never seen.
• Data from the University of Pittsburgh suggests it causes cancer.
“Since when do we have a protein that actually injures the brain, injures the heart, the bone marrow, the immune system, causes blood clotting, and potentially causes cancer in a single protein?” @P_McCulloughMD asked.
“It's a weapon,” he concluded. “According to strict military criteria, it's a bioweapon.” Per Vigilant fox
Yet these shots are still mandated in some places, including the recent Harris campaign team.. (fall 2024).
Excess deaths: Why so many in young people in 2021
Why so many more excess deaths in young people post introduction of the mRNA shots in heavily vaccinated countries?
We’re really only getting to the bottom of this now, but information is coming out at a rapid pace.
Ed Down, wall street analyst who’s been observing excess trends beginning in in this video rounding out what he calls as a conservative average of 8-15 million deaths due to the mRNA shots.
Dr John Campbell, clinical nurse analyzes the uptick turbo cancer here. . Since cancer is something that takes much longer to develop, the numbers take longer to rise, but because there are still no definitive answers on this, I’m suspending judgement, but will continue to post what you’re not seeing in the media. But why isn’t this front page news?
See below for many more studies and references on this.
And as a reminder, if you had the negative fate of becoming vaccine-injured, you weren’t allowed to discuss it.
Facebook private pages where people supported each other through vaccine injuries were taken down.
The fact that they were pushing these on kids and still are is unconscionable.
Early on I was listening to many doctors laying out pros and cons while looking at the latest research on the shots, and I was never convinced the risk/benefit ratio made sense, especially without seeing long term studies.
This is where I felt I had to step in and get more vocal on social media. Not to tell others what to do, but to at least let other parents know my concerns and let them decide for themselves.
I reached a point somewhere in late 2021, where I finally blurted out (after many months of feeling afraid),“If my care team and I feel it’s not the right time for my child to take this vaccine (even if it’s never), it’s not the job of some non-elected government bureaucrat to decide this for me!”
I was prepared for pushback but got relief instead since so many following what I was posting felt the same way, even when it was getting more political by the minute.
We were now frogs in warm water that was about to get much hotter.
*Testing and Scare tactics in schools
Traumatizing children by sticking Q tips up their nose with PCR thresholds cranked up to a billion. This was nonsense. If you had a sick child you should’ve simply kept them home. But when a child did show up to school with a runny nose, they were sent to “isolate” until they were picked up by their parents. I’m fuming as I recall the 4 year old who had to eat his lunch outside and developed hyperthermia as a result.
*Travel was difficult for any family
We had to pay over 400.00 in covid tests in 2022 coming back from vacationing in Mexico back to the states, and had to do the tests via zoom with my children crying the entire time. It was all a ridiculous show all while millions of people were pouring into the country without having to do any of this.
Make it make sense.
*No recognition of natural immunity (a huge red flag for me, but would only be the first of a cascade of bad public health decisions regarding medical interventions.
Many believe these decisions were made out of greed & control rather than incompetency, and others think it’s something far more sinister but whatever this evil force is (What Brett Weinstein calls “Goliath”) it goes deep.
There came a point where the difference between a conspiracy theory and an actual fact was about 6 months..
So as things continued to unfold, I began to get really honest, not just about what I was reading about, but what I was experiencing in real time as the mom of a then 2 and 4.5 year old. The most difficult part about this was that I decided to really continue to look at all sides, (which my nervous system did not love). So for those of you who remember my “course in miracles meditations” on instagram in 2021, and all the stress support I was gently promoting, it was because I myself was experiencing many dark nights of the soul, and a windstorm of denial before truly accepting what was happening to the democratic party my late father so proudly belonged to.
Kennedy speaks of this in a few of his speeches, but my 2 favorites are:
These were both heart-breaking decisions for Bobby, and those close to him on the campaign trail report that he was hurt deeply.
"I wish that we had had a chance to debate. I wish that we had fair representation in the polls. I wish we had a chance to be on stage because had we, we likely would have won this election," Shanahan said. "To even be contemplating this, it’s tough. It’s a really hard decision, and we don’t come to this moment lightly." Former running mate, Nicole Shannahan.
`Just prior to his joining forces with Trump, the Kennedy campaign was still becoming aware of the democrat spies that were planted throughout the state signature collections and thereafter.
"They’ve done everything they can, including creating PACs to prevent us from being able to have ballot access," Shanahan.
All he wanted was to tell the truth to the American people and show them who he really was, but he was blocked at every turn.
Covid alone was a big reason for me to shift my perception on everything I once believed about the party I had been voting for. Like the “skip ad” button on youtube I couldn’t wait to get rid of this horrific regime and by that time I thought the whole country felt the same way.
But I had to remind myself 2 things:
Everyone has had different life experiences that have led up to this point in time.
We were seeing different things.
At some point I realized not everyone was going down the rabbit holes that I was. Being in grad school from 2020-2023 I had the opportunity to dive further into research when looking at masks and vaccines for instance since we were taking classes like EBN (evidence based nutrition) which required us to pick topics and go deep. It was interesting to be able to do it all in real time but at the same time, surreal.
I listened to podcasts & webinars on walks &, on the treadmill, read studies at school & before going to sleep (which I’m not recommending), but boy did I learn a lot.
I cannot reiterate enough that to this day, no one has been held accountable for any of the covid propaganda that cost many lives.
…then censorship took a really nasty turn
Children were suffering to a degree that was not acceptable, and if you eluded to this fact, or God forbid, ask questions, you were censored, shadow-banned, or in some cases removed from social media altogether.
Right from the start of the Biden administration, Kennedy’s social media was taken down for what’s called, “malinformation”, which is defined as “content that’s true, but not convenient to the narrative of the time”. Others would follow, including those in the medical community who were questioning vaccine efficacy and glaring safety signals blowing up in their faces.
In July of 2023, there was a senate censorship hearing on this very subject where Kennedy pleaded with the oblivious Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), crimp-haired Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and their democrat posse, laying out his case and finally able to speak his truth after the media pulled old speeches out of context and used them as hit clips, leading the public to assume he was an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and anti-semetic.
All three are blatant lies.
I watched this hearing unfold live and couldn’t believe how vile the democrats were and what they were accusing him of.
They literally tried to censor a censorship hearing.
You can watch it in full here and throw things at your computer like I did.
Now though I wasn’t a supporter of Trump, (and was publicly critical of many of his policies especially what happened during covid), it didn’t go unnoticed that they were doing the same thing to him. In fact everything Trump said during 2020, they went and did the opposite.
Dr Vinay Prasad from UCSF, (another lefty btw) lays this out in many of his videos, podcasts, and substack posts. He notes that famously, when the Trump administration came to the conclusion that it was ok to open schools, the school boards and teacher’s unions pushed to do the opposite, especially in blue states.
And so it went on and on.
There came a point, in my opinion, that if you were a trusted health expert/influencer with a certain type of platform, and you weren’t speaking out on these issues, you were on the wrong side of the issues.
Then came ROE V Wade
Overturning the famous supreme court case of 1973, abortion laws were now going back to the states. This caused an understandable uproar for months. I was not for this, especially since if the intention was to limit abortions overall, states were doubling down in many directions which made things confusing and became a double-edged sword.
Abortions actually went up post ROE.
Though the Biden (now Harris) campaign’s efforts to tie Trump directly to certain state abortion bans (all the way up to the election) with no feasible plan to change anything at a federal level, putting the dems in a hail mary position of just “hoping their voters don’t realize this.” It was extremely painful to watch women being paraded around sharing their devastating experiences on MSM and all over social media (including the Oprah town hall) all for political gain. It made me sad to see the ignorant screaming of bodily autonomy when the majority of these people were silent while millions of people got forced to take a novel vaccine in exchange for job security or in some places, to simply enter a restaurant.
Right up until Nov 5th, they were convincing people that Trump was calling for a national abortion ban and other ridiculous, made up positions. It was heartbreaking to see so many truly scared, but if you tried to show them the truth of what was happening, you were dismissed, called a racist, or some other fill-in- the-blank talking point.
People were messaging me with awful stories of hateful posts their friends were making pre and post election with no way of getting through to them.
Refreshingly, I realized when seeing comments on posts related to abortion is that people generally stayed away from questioning other’s actual stances on the issue. We seemed to have preserved the understanding that a pro-life or pro-choice stance is a deeply personal decision that’s rooted in family values and life experience. Though this was nice to see, the bantering instead was related to the candidates and their stances that the media confused many about.
So much wasted energy.
My intention is not to speak for everyone, but based on what I was seeing:
Message to the reasonable socially-leaning right: Most people with a pro-choice position (including many republicans), are not celebrating the idea of abortion. No one is standing there saying, “woohoo, I can’t wait to have an abortion someday.” There are families who have had their nurseries done, only to find themselves having to make heartbreaking decisions.
Additionally, though there are exceptions in place for, rape, incest, and life of the mother, this is not true in some states (and seems to change often). The 3 categories of exceptions are stated more specifically here: when there is risk to the health of the pregnant person, when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, and when there is a lethal fetal anomaly. (KFF, 2023) which sounds practical so why we can’t take a deeper look as to why these exceptions are not valid across the board with more clauses attached. For instance, if someone is raped and it’s publicly reported, couldn’t the state then provide early pregnancy testing alongside other medical treatments with follow ups up to a certain point so we can prevent suprises later on in the term? Is that not a compromise? Or more clear-cut health care practices for mis-carriages, which are not abortions? There is an argument that this is already in place, but it’s still questionable.
Message to the reasonable socially-leaning left: Most people with the pro-life position often feel that abortion is used as birth control too often, and want to shine light on the fact that there is indeed a life that’s beginning and the situation should be handled with dignity and as promptly as possible.
Were there loopholes in Roe where late term abortions were happening more than we knew in some states, since there are still states like California, Maryland, New Hampshire, and New Jersey, that do not report data to the CDC? The “born alive” reports are also very sketchy and don’t provide all the facts which is devastating.
And if this is such a heartfelt issue for dems, why wasn’t it ratified with Obama when he had a house and a senate?
Since this is no longer a federal controversy, doesn’t it make more sense to get involved locally and rally your current governor? They have to eventually do what the majority of people in their state are asking for or they won’t get re-elected and it’s odd to me that many who I’ve talked with who are so much about this issue don’t know who there governor even is is. I mean can we start there?
All this said, these culture war issues, as Bobby (who actually had a thoughtful, compassionate, practical stance on the abortion issue) said several times during his campaign, are to keep us fighting with each other and remain distracted from things like the drug cartel running our border resulting in catastrophic outcomes for women & children (including American deaths),
Russia’s nuclear submarines off the coast of Florida, and millions of people working 2 and 3 jobs that are still not able to afford groceries.
But since we’re talking about state laws..
A few years prior to Roe, states like NY and California lost their last exemptions for vaccines. This meant, if you and your doctor decided it wasn’t a good idea to continue the childhood series (or delay) for whatever reason, (and there could be several)… you couldn’t send your child to school.
Was this on the news with opinions from both sides?
Of course not, you weren’t allowed to question or talk about it.
Fast forward to 2021, we had vaccine mandates for millions of Americans did I mention the Harris campaign continued this absurdity up until the election?)
Which leads to a question: Why wasn’t this woman also at the Oprah town hall?
Meet Alexis Lorenze. A 23 year old who was admitted to University of California Irvine hospital with a rare autoimmune blood disorder (PNH), and was refused a blood transfusion until she got a meningitis, tetanus, and a pneumonia vaccine per “standard of care.” They went ahead with this protocol despite a low blood count, and ten minutes later she began having a reaction that spread throughout her whole body. The hospital claimed her reaction was solely from her PNH which you can imagine did not sit well with the family.
So Kamala, can you tell me what your solutions might be to prevent these things from happening?
Does anyone in your agencies know if they’ve ever studied a trifecta of vaccines on top of an autoimmune disorder, on top of a blood transfusion?
I can tell you the answer is no.
And of course this case, and countless other situations like this get zero air time.
And what about the VARES reporting system that was never used appropriately or paid attention to?
At the 10 minute mark is a recorded phone call where Dr. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric specialist at UCLA, tells the FDA directors that he filed a VAERS report about a seven-year-old patient who “had a cardiac arrest following his first Pfizer vaccination” but says he “didn’t receive any follow up about it.”
“The patient died about 8 days later,” says Dr. Whelan. “I would think that if the death of a seven-year-old following the vaccine is not meriting a follow up, either the system is totally overwhelmed or there’s something wrong with the reporting system.” Per show notes.
This was unfortunately not the only time this happened.
The difference between stories about reproductive rights Vs these stories is that latter ones you’re not allowed to talk about.
When Mainstream Media (MSM) runs the show…
“I’m seeing what you’re seeing (since this is what we’re blasted with 24/7), but you’re not seeing what WE’RE seeing.”
We’re in a world where half the country is seeing what’s happening, and the other half is seeing the hit pieces. And you can fill in the blanks with any politician and any issue but this year, for so many of the reasons I’ve mentioned, it was the democrats who took the baton with the words, “here’s what’s happening” written on it, and many fell for it.
So please let's not blame each other. Describe your point of view and what led you there instead. Everyone can empathize with the human experience, so even if you come to different conclusions, at least begin with the same set of facts. Unfortunately, nowadays this requires a lot of work to tease out.
If 2 people are looking at the same sky and one says it’s blue and the other turquoise , that’s fine because at least you’re seeing the same thing, and can disagree from that place. Somebody may really hate the color blue and there’s nothing you can do about it. But if one person is being shown a blue sky and the other a pink one and they’re both called blue, well that doesn’t work.
And in the case of the last 5 years, this is what’s been happening. Opinions were formed from an avalanche of lies.
Case in point:
Oh, Hollywood…;(
Actor, Bradley Whitford (loved him on the West wing and Studio 60 w Matthew Perry). Publicly and personally attacked Cheryl Hines on X with the most vile comments about her husband. In contrast, the comments were especially refreshing and made me actually have faith in humanity for the first time in months.
See Bill Maher’s amazing rant on this.
In Hollywood, (and I still talk to those in the industry), if you don’t tow the line, you don’t work. Period.
The reason I blame the media for the division in our country, as I stated above, is that when reading comments, no one seems to be judging each other’s actual values, it’s all “he said/she said”, cancel culture, and false accusations. So I would argue that it’s not that people disagree all the time, it’s more about how the media is portraying things.
The news of the crumbling of networks spewing hate, ie MSNBC (Trump is Hitler) and shows like The View (which used to be decent years ago.) hit pretty quickly after the election since so many realized they were constantly and directly being lied to.
Right now we still have one political party with the media on their side with no checks & balances Vs someone like Trump with checks and balances at every turn.
Just look at that God awful debate. In efforts to defend himself, Trump sounded awful, while Harris was memorized and “polished within an inch of her life” as Bari Weiss described. Though later we discovered that word-salads (that sound like she’s trying to make a word count in an essay) were more her thing.
Print journalism is no different as pharma is paying some hefty sums to top medical journals to “review” their products. >>>
We’ve come to a place where there’s no incentive anymore to tell the truth.
In fact quite the opposite.
One of Kennedy’s missions moving forward is to remove drug to consumer television advertising like most of the world. This is huge in so many ways for it will no longer allow pharmaceutical companies to dictate content. Imagine if this was in place pre-covid. Would Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper be spreading nonsense about the efficacy of the shots like they did?
Pfizer was paying their salaries.
And has anyone seen Chris Cuomo since he left CNN? He’s done almost a 180 from the covid days of being locked in his basement with his positive covid test, to being on News nation. He has come around bigtime in support of fair news and lively debate.
This must be incredibly refreshing for him. It’s now common sense again that masking 2 year olds probably isn’t a good idea. You go, Chris!
Watch this clip as Bill Maher explains the bias of Scientific American journal to a clueless Neil Tyson. This is a prime example of influential people taking sides based on ideology and politics without really knowing what’s going on. It took awhile to come to this conclusion but many elitists just don’t have the time to worry about how things affect us common folks.
This is precisely why nearly everyone I posted about on my instagram stories during covid (and still today) are progressives, former lefties, classic liberals, politically homeless…. (whatever you’d like to name us.) Because it shows me they’re using common sense over politics and it takes a lot of courage.
How out of touch do you have to be?
The division trickled into election season and I saw so many disenchanted voters who were disappointed by the choices given, but would never spend the time listening to long form interviews with Bobby because they didn’t think he had a chance to win, and in some cases didn’t even know he was running. He didn’t get exposure unless it was a hit piece.
And now there seems to be a lot of confusion as to why health, nutrition, fitness, and taking care of yourself in any way is being considered “alt right”, but the answer is simple. The left wanted nothing to do with it, especially in recent years when pharma’s grip on them got even tighter.(as explained above).
Remember that senate roundtable I mentioned? The dems were invited too.
There are some recent exceptions, one of which is Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey who has come out in support of MAHA’s main missions, as well as Colorado governor, Jared Polis but these are few and far between.
These 2 senators, though they may disagree with some of the other senators’ policies, still seem to be in touch with the needs of the American people.
Conversely, ….omg God, the Oprah town hall.
I openly and calmly watched this because I have to practice what I preach and try to understand all sides.
I left infuriated. Face beet red… the whole thing.
I went in expecting that (given they were in Michigan), they’d be responding to the collective needs of the time, i.e. affording milk & eggs. Instead it was celebrities who were most likely told by their publicists to attend (via zoom) to discuss identity politics and spread lies about Trump with no solid policies or difficult questions to answer. It was basically a rally.
Hard to talk about, so I’ll just leave this here.
Dismiss…then be confused? Convenient Mental Gymnastics
Dr Phil McGraw made a recent speech at a Trump rally and additionally reached out to the Harris campaign to give the same exact speech at theirs. At first they expressed interest, so he sent the speech to them, and then…. crickets.
The speech was about cancel-culture.
After the election, someone from the Harris campaign said, “We need our own Joe Rogan.” to which Jimmy Dore (another former lefty & comedian/podcaster) replied, “You had him, his name was Joe Rogan.” And it's hilarious that he’s now painted as right wing. They have driven so many dedicated democrats and independents away from them, and it’s astonishing that they have no clue as to why.
So yes it’s understandable that Bobby and members of the MAHA movement are being more embraced by the right. Fox news was the only network that would have them on.
After Trump’s assassination attempt, Kennedy also reached out to Kamala Harris to discuss policies around unity. This was not to join the administration as some believed since it would go against everything his campaign stood for. He received no response, only continuous slander from the MSM which was the marketing arm of her campaign.
Sadly, if pro-war, pro-pharma, woke ideology, elitism, censorship, and cancel-culture is the path you’re on, you will eventually lose everybody. This is why I don’t focus on the woke stuff too much. Some things just come to their natural demise on their own. Ie trans surgeries for minors, (already gone in Europe), now here.
As long as former left voters are concerned, the D party no longer exists and is run now by unelected bureaucrats and a corporate totalitarian machine that will run over anyone in its way.
Well guess what…Trump was in the way.
And I say this as someone who voted for Obama twice, Hilary in 2016, and Biden in 2020.
This machine does not appear to enrich anyone’s lives, but only the lives of its members.
It’s no longer for the working class (dems won w those who make over 100K), but their polished talking points on culture & identity politics are so irresistible and done with such polish and sophistication that any compassionate person who’s only halfway paying attention would think they’re right on point.
The problem with this strategy is that ALL of America gets to vote and when people have the opportunity to express what they really think, there’s an outpouring of content, which can explain why the dems are so pro-censorship and currently opposing ideas through control of schools, universities, academia, (and perhaps pandemics?) because they know it’s not sellable through the democratic process.
If I didn’t know any better, I would think no one hates democracy more than the elite liberal class, but because it’s aligned with so much fame and fizz, it’s been overlooked, until now.
“While you were sleeping…they came and took it all away.”DH
Since I’m a music person, I must share this song by Don Henley called, “Inside Job”. Listen to it while reading the lyrics. It’s more relevant now than ever.
The sad part is, while we fight over extreme right and/or left wing ideologies, we’re forgetting about the 70% of moderates that aren’t always represented on social media. The people who will read this post and open up productive discussions around it.
We have a divided nation that has turned us against each other.
Or is this the whole point?
A close family member had a Polish immigrant in her work office recently and said this was the exact same thing that happened before Poland became the Communist People’s Republic in 1947 after Soviet-run elections.
As I write this, President Joe Biden (or whoever is currently running the country) has authorized Ukraine to use American long-range missiles to strike inside Russia.
Because my expertise is on health, my intention is to keep the topics to that, but this is deeply saddening, and something the democrats would have raged over years ago.
Also as I’m writing this, the current HHS just extended liability protection for Covid-19 manufacturers through 2029, (the year Trump leaves office).
Moving closer to MAHA (I promise we’re getting there)
If you’re just looking at this movement from recent social media posts, I’d advise you to look deeper. This is so much more than fruit loops, fluoride, and raw milk. This is for the millions of parents throughout the country who want their kids to grow up with the clean food, air, and water that I discussed at the beginning of this post. They want to be able to shop at the grocery store with confidence, and not be petrified to go to a well-visit for fear of being pressured to vaccinate their baby that very day. It’s to the growing number of special needs parents who are finally feeling seen and want to be able to have nuanced conversations about topics that have become controversial because of kleptocracy and greed.
Why can’t the public just get an honest answer on vaccines?
In RFK’s books, (including his biography) he speaks of secret meetings being held with pharma bureaucrats and vaccine makers and knows the names of the people who are contaminating the system. He also knows FDA, NIH, and CDC inside and out. Why do you think so many are coming after him? Just for the fun of it?
He’s successfully sued many of these agencies over and over throughout his career as well as environmental polluters like our friends at Monsanto.
In my early years of following him, I listened to countless hours of interviews at Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and did so many deep dives on every single vaccine given, the history behind it, the research shown to the American public, and conversely the research that’s been hidden.
This is not to say that vaccines are inherently bad, it’s that this is not a one-size fits all solution. Vaccines can be lifesaving for the right child, with the right dose, at the right time, but have the opposite effect with the wrong child, at the wrong dose, at the wrong time.
2 fantastic books on the subject that I wish were available when I had Tommy.
Turtles all the way down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Vax-unvax: Let the Science Speak
Both are filled with references and peer-reviewed literature.
Warning: Once you know the information in these books, you cannot
“un-know” it.
Another idea proposed by Dr Vinay Prasad is to do a clustered, randomized factorial design comparing kids with different schedules.
Also please check out the RFK video series with Megyn Kelly.
She pushed back on him a ton, but he calmly stood his ground. The next time they met, she admitted everything he said “checked out” via the research her team did. It’s not easy to find the right information since so much of it is buried, but I have a good feeling more will be revealed in the near future.
At a private Kennedy event in the summer of 2023 I had the pleasure of meeting so many like-minded health practitioners.
I know I’ve provided many links to check out but please give this a listen. It’s a podcast featuring our 2 brilliant doctors, Dr Elena Monarch, Ph.D. (neuropsychologist), and Dr Sylvia Fogel (psychiatrist), MD (both of whom I have the pleasure of working with in our clinic). Here they discuss how pharma controls healthcare and what initially drew them to Bobby’s candidacy. It serves as an impeccable template for the type of nuanced conversation that needs to be had surrounding more complicated topics that fall under the scope of integrative care.
So they shut Bobby out of the debates (which many believe would have won him the election)
Now what?
As a Bobby supporter, what I learned about Trump:
*The MAGA movement is not the right wing heritage foundation movement they want you to think it is.
It’s a populist movement.
This post was not intended to be about Trump but important to include this info since he’s serving as an important vehicle for vital change, but sadly a big reason there is a lot of push for the MAHA movement to fail and a big reason why I wrote this post.
You can agree or disagree with his policies, but it’s important to get clear what they are by actually following him (longer form interviews) vs what the New York times tells you he’s doing. To be clear, I don’t always agree with all of it, and when it’s vague (which government and politics often is), I wait for the commotion to die down before forming an opinion. I did this with the other side as well which is probably why it’s taken me 4 years to write this.
Now since this post is about what I was experiencing, I’m not ignorant to the fact that DJT is not a polished politician and he himself doesn’t help the media situation and fuels the fire by saying inappropriate/ridiculous things and often “the quiet part out loud.”
Interestingly though, a recent video from another former dem really teases out the media’s hit jobs and posts the real videos of what Trump says along with the video the media wants you to see. Her name is Joomi Kim and lays out so much of what I was seeing play out in real time. It’s entitled: Why would democrats vote for Trump?.
How many of those who voted for Harris do you think saw videos like this?
My guess is close to none, and this is the problem.
I agree when Bill Mahr says, “you can hate Trump, but you can’t hate the people who voted for him.” So sure, there are many extreme right folks who vote red in every election, but in the 2024 cycle, people across the entire political spectrum of all races, genders & ethnicities were included in the majority that got him elected, and did so for a jumble of reasons. Not to mention his top endorsements & cabinet picks (Bobby, Tulsi, Shanahan, Rogan, Musk, etc) are all FAR from right-wingers.
Even Cheryl Hines herself, with a very “Hollywood-style” dislike for Trump, quickly realized after traveling for the campaign, that the movement was so much more than this one person that everyone was programmed to hate.
And for those who think this election was about homophobia and racism (obnoxiously portrayed on MSM)....I mean, 70+ million Americans are racists? Did we not elect a black president in 2008 for 2 terms? If the identity politics card is the only one you have in your deck, you better ask for a re-deal.
*Trump advocated for Bobby to get secret service protection immediately following his assassination attempt in the summer of this year. Before this, the Biden administration, despite having a statue of Kennedy in the oval office with daily reminders of the events that happened in 1963 & 68, still refused SS protection for RFK for months, forcing his campaign to bleed money using private security.
After his assassination attempt in PA (july 2024), Kennedy reached out to Trump to check on his family since he’s no stranger to this circumstance. They proceeded to talk many times thereafter with what insiders describe as “pivotal, spiritual moments” that would soon define the unity team.
So while Harris was out touring abortion clinics and picking up endorsements from the neocon Cheney dynasty (who the democrats hated during the Bush years), a dedicated team filled with classic liberals was being born, and they want to get our country back for us.
To dems who weren’t thrilled with this move: I truly understand.
When Bobby suspended his campaign my team and I were heartbroken because as much as I talk about Bobby’s health policies, etc I also believe his foreign & economic policies are steller and think he would be an amazing president.
And a gentle reminder, if you had a primary and a fair election process with debates from all candidates, the dems would have had Bobby, and the biggest chunk of America would’ve been happy.
*Trump is not a polished politician in any way and he says ridiculous things. I already said this but repetition helps.;) Did we need policy over character? In my opinion the other option had neither.
*Trump has nothing to do with prop 25 and probably read about half of it. But that didn’t stop team blue from using every opportunity to say the opposite. (Interestingly, the Heritage Foundation, the organization actually responsible for prop 2025, also came up with the cool idea for a certain little health insurance mandate called the Affordable Care Act AKA, Obama care.
Oh the things we learn;)
Policies for the People
Speaking of policies, there is a website many may not know about as it’s of course not discussed on MSM, called policies for the people. A Kennedy-inspired platform that (shocker)... puts the people first. Here you will see hundreds of ideas discussed with currently 13,283 policy ideas proposed from everyday citizens. This is something I’ve never heard an administration doing and is already provoking many great conversations.
If there’s a topic/policy that gets you in a tizzy, and relevant at the federal level, then by all means put something forward!
They read every one.
Other facts
*Trump will be in office the next 4 years.
*Trump trusts Bobby. (many voted for him because of Kennedy and he’s well aware.)
*Trump=womanizer, adulterer? Perhaps… Like FDR, JFK, Clinton…(all dems yet suddenly this is an issue).
*The media and Hollywood loved him until they discovered he wasn’t really pro-establishment.
*Like him or hate him, he’s not an idealogue. He identifies problems and offers solutions and whether you agree with those solutions is your business. It was nice to hear him admit there were mistakes made on his Joe Rogan episode. Many people were waiting to hear that.
Contrarily, those on the left, I feel, get weighed down with group think & dogma without many actual solutions to offer except an outsourcing of things like “compassion” and “empathy” (DEI, surgeries for minors, etc) without actually having to do anything but support harmful policies.
It was comical to see so many get confused about whether or not to support Bobby. “Wait, aren't we the party of health free?.., healthy foo?” Ohhhhhh we’re going with the brain worm got it.
*There’s a lot of push for Trump to open the JFK files and this time, we believe he will.
I’ve been doing a deep dive on this topic, but in efforts to keep this post health-related I’ll leave this thought here to ponder.
Ron Paul recently claimed that since the JFK assassination, we have seen the department of justice being disintegrated and used as a political tool. It’s also the first time that the CIA doesn’t work for the president. Damn does that explain a lot.
Jimmy Dore describes this so well and has one of the most brilliant political rants ever here.
What Trump needs to do now:
He has kept his word so far and us on team MAHA are watching every step. But what I believe would be helpful for unity is to come out and remind people, (in a clear and kind way) of these things:
Explain that no one's rights are suddenly being taken away. It’s heartbreaking to see on social media how many truly believe they won’t be able to be openly trans or in a same-sex marriage. I’ve looked everywhere to find where this information was coming from, but regardless, as the incoming president, I would set the record straight.
Explain once again that reproductive rights were used to win an election and have no bearing at the federal level. No need to get into Hasians-eating-pets or anything of that nature.
Since the election is over, stay focused on the positive changes you will make and stop getting sucked into the media bait. Understand that everything you say will be chopped into a million pieces and flipped around. Stay clear and as the 4 agreements state, “be impeccable with your word”.
Explain that no one is taking away vaccines, or making you drink raw milk and that we just want more transparency. Kennedy has been consistent about health freedom and all its forms until the end. Stated above, he just wants the proper research to be done. And if you still want access to glyphosate, fluoride, artificial dyes, and other additives, I’m sure there’ll be a way to find them;)
And…because I want to end on a positive note: and the crux of this post:
What I know about team MAHA/Kennedy
It was the middle of August in Nantucket and I was SWEATING like you would not believe. This event (along with the shrimp boat outside) was surreal.
Excited to tell me about his plan to have healing centers across the US. He is so well-versed in health, and was also aware of PANS/PANDAS in addition to ASD so I told him about Tommy as well. He was so compassionate and honest and has so many ideas to help us.
Make America Healthy Again PAC (MAHA) is built around a commitment to addressing some of the most pressing issues facing our nation today. These issues not only affect public health but also the integrity of our environment and the transparency of our government. MAHA’s key issues and policy priorities are: ( 2024)
Our goals: (what everyone in the honest part of nutrition & healthcare should want to achieve) Luckily most still do and are standing behind Bobby with full support including most doctors in the Functional Medicine space including Dr Mark Hyman, MD.
The Chronic Disease Epidemic:
MAHA’s policy focus advocates for a comprehensive national strategy to combat the chronic disease epidemic, which includes addressing the root causes such as poor diet, environmental toxins, and inadequate healthcare. The PAC supports policies that promote preventative healthcare, increase access to nutritious food, and reduce the environmental factors contributing to chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Regenerative Agriculture
MAHA champions regenerative agriculture as a solution to many of America’s health and environmental challenges. This includes supporting policies that incentivize sustainable farming practices, improve soil health, reduce chemical usage, and increase biodiversity. Regenerative agriculture not only produces healthier food but also contributes to carbon sequestration and the fight against climate change.
Habitat Preservation
Protecting America’s natural habitats is crucial for both environmental sustainability and public health. MAHA supports policies that preserve and restore natural ecosystemsand curb the destruction of vital habitats caused by industrial and agricultural expansion. This includes advocating for stronger environmental regulations and enforcement to prevent habitat loss and degradation.
Combatting Corporate Corruption
MAHA is committed to exposing and dismantling the corporate takeover of government agencies that are supposed to protect public health and the environment. The PAC supports policies that increase transparency and accountability in government, reduce the influence of corporate money in politics, and ensure that regulatory agencies operate in the public interest, not at the behest of corporate donors.
Removing Toxins from the Environment
One of MAHA’s top priorities is the elimination of harmful chemicals and toxins from America’s food, water, and air. MAHA advocates for comprehensive testing and monitoring of environmental toxins to ensure that all Americans have access to clean, safe, and healthy living conditions.
I know of NO American who doesn’t want these things.
Other bonuses
*We get Nicole Shannahan! If you’re new to her, please do a deep dive, wherever on the political spectrum you are. She is such a fierce advocate for women, children, agriculture, & the economy with the perfect blend of wisdom and courage.
Trust me, she can be sitting on a yacht somewhere being fed caviar and champagne, but instead she shares in Bobby’s passion for change and she’s been unstoppable.
Here is her first speech to the American people after Bobby announced her as his running mate.
Here is her podcast: Back to the people
And stay tuned for Dr Jay Bhattacharya to lead NIH: Take a peek at his podcast, The illusion of Consensus and the Catestrophic Failure of Lockdowns as well as interviews with Dr Drew 3 years ago.
Academia is dependent on NIH grants so it will be very interesting to see what happens in this space.
Dr Marty Makary, Johns Hopkins University Surgeon to head the FDA: Listen to his amazing speech at the recent senate roundtable a couple months ago. And Dr Vinay Prasad lays out the exact reasons he also endorses him here.
The FDA currently works for pharma. In fact, ½ the budget of the FDA currently comes from the food & drug industry. Nearly 50% yes, where in its earlier days was primarily funded via taxpayer money. This whole post could’ve been composed of that one sentence alone.
It also should be that after holding a position at one of these agencies, it should disqualify you from working for pharma for at least 5 years. (You know…more common sense).
And of course, Bobby himself.
As someone who has been “fact checking” Robert F Kennedy Jr’s work from day one, as a deeply dedicated nutrition practitioner and mom, I can tell you he’s the real deal. From the disintegration of corporate corruption, to the restoration of our environment to the merited health of our children, to which he’s dedicated his entire life, I will stand by the movement he represents.
The mainstream machine wants you to believe Kennedy is an anti-vaxxer and thinks that everyone’s vaccines should be taken away. If this is still your assumption, you might want to listen to the man speak for more than 2 minutes on this topic.
From day one there’s been a prominent throughline of integrity from start to finish around Kennedy’s mission.
There are endless great interviews with and about Bobby present. Here are only a few.
Who is Bobby Kennedy? (what MSM doesn’t want you to see)
RfK on Dr Phil: Part 1 Loved Dr Phil on Tuesdays with Oprah btw. Which one do you think has departed values?
RFK on Dr Phil: Part 2
The last democrat: Bobby & Roseanne Barr: excellent conversation.
RFK schools host on V data.
3 clear plans for RFK at HHS, Casey Means/ Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly (4 hours in 2 parts). It’s amazing.
Dr Lobbying groups are terrified of RFK
Bret Weinstein on RFK dropping out and endorsing DJT
Russel brand Bobby,Joe Scarborough
RFK is now in a position to lead over 15 different health agencies including the CDC, FDA, and NIH as the secretary of HHS. At the time of this post, he has been nominated, but the senate has not yet voted. Some say he can get in no problem, but I remain vigilant since senators who will be voting took a combined $6.7 million from pharmaceutical companies.
I don’t think people realize the amount of money and power being used to be sure this doesn’t happen.
Remember when I mentioned his mission to end state corporate power?
This is what they’re afraid of you guys. There are literally trillions of dollars at stake.
Regarding Bobby’s appointment to the HHS
He recently stated, “I look forward to working with the more than 80,000 employees at HHS to free the agencies from the smothering cloud of corporate capture so they can pursue their mission to make Americans once again the healthiest people on Earth. Together we will clean up corruption, stop the revolving door between industry and government, and return our health agencies to their rich tradition of gold-standard, evidence-based science. I will provide Americans with transparency and access to all the data so they can make informed choices for themselves and their families.
See, short & sweet, with the freedom to make our own decisions.
You don’t have to have raw milk, just like you don’t have to have an abortion.
The bottom line is that the government thus far has not been our ally when it comes to health, and the time has come where we need an ally.
My fear is that now a kid gets a contagious disease, the media, (Goliath, or whatever we’re calling this evil machine) will train everyone to blame Kennedy. It’s already happening.
And though we have the people on our side, I still fear that those who got sucked into the propaganda want this movement to fail because of what they’re being fed.
So if you’ve taken the time to read up until this point, (and looked at some of the links I’ve added throughout), I’m hopeful my point of view has resonated.
Closing thoughts
There’s nothing more important than the physical and mental health of our youngest citizens, and really the entire nation.
We cannot do anything without it.
This year I worked to expand my ability to hold compassion for different viewpoints and today I presented mine in the most honest way I could.
The people I have met who align with this historical movement (including the doctors in our clinic) are among the most intelligent, compassionate clinicians I know. And though there are still people who don’t accept how the twists and turns of this election season muddied the waters the way they did, I am hopeful this post is only one vehicle to get us to a place of understanding other’s perspectives on recent years.
Thankfully, many are realizing that health is a bipartisan issue and we’ve reached a point where the government needs to step in and join in our efforts, no matter who is in office. Please join us in January so we can begin the process of making health a birthright of the American citizen once again.
For those who took the time to read to the end, I’m forever grateful.
More Resources and References
It not only takes work to look outside the box, but it understandably requires time that people just don’t have. If you use this post as a landing place, I’ve tried to make it easy to access some important clips and other resources that I fear most people are just not seeing.
Dr John Campbell- Is a former clinical nurse from the UK whose evolution from Covidian (pro everything) to asking very important questions about everything to do with these last years has been astounding. His videos walk through peer reviewed research, agency/government policies, interviews, etc.
Here are a few:
Anthony Fauci’s Pardon and more
Interview w Clinical trial participant Brianne Dresen and awareness to the vaccine-injured of which there are far too many.
Short: 97% False Positive PCR tests
Lipid Nanoparticles and DNA (vaccines)
Heart Disease: With UK cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra (campbell was very clever to avoid being censored)
Too many to post but here’s more
Judge forces FDA to release all Pfizer vax data: Jimmy Dore
The failure of mRNA vaccines, a pediatric perspective: CHD
Russel Brand: Aaron Siri, truth behind the vaccine trials
2012: Congressional hearing on vaccines & autism.
Senator Posey- "How many studies has the CDC performed comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated?" Colleen Boyle- "None"
Congress confirms covid conspiracies were true: hilarious Jimmy Dore
Bill Mahr: Some people “guessed” better than others (no one has been accountable)
The Twitter Files: Censorship Industrial Complex w Matt Taibbi
Jillian Michaels & Dave Rubin (2 more former lefties):Great conversation
Vinay Prasad: How to vet cabinet picks and thoughts on pardoning Fauci for perjury as Biden is expected to do.
John Stewart on the lab leak theory. Hilarious for those who haven’t seen.
Joe Rogan: Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough: full episode still censored along w Dr Malone’s.
Joe Rogan: Bret Weinstein, author, podcaster, evolutionary biologist
Other resources (aside from your trusted CDC, NIH, & FDA;)
Frontline Critical Care Workers: FLCCC
Transcend Fear: A blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health: Dr Joseph Ladapo (surgeon general of FL)
Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)(factual information or he would’ve been sued)
The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity: Dr Naomi Wolf
Darmon N (October 2009). "The good, the bad, and the ultra-processed". Public Health Nutrition. 12 (10): 1967–1968. doi:10.1017/S1368980009991212. PMID 19732488. S2CID 233340283.
Maffini MV, Neltner TG, Vogel S. We are what we eat: Regulatory gaps in the United States that put our health at risk. PLoS Biol. 2017 Dec 20;15(12):e2003578. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2003578. PMID: 29261673; PMCID: PMC5737876.
Gupta S, Hawk T, Aggarwal A, Drewnowski A. Characterizing Ultra-Processed Foods by Energy Density, Nutrient Density, and Cost. Front Nutr. 2019 May 28;6:70. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00070. PMID: 31231655; PMCID: PMC6558394.
Stuckler D, Nestle M. Big food, food systems, and global health. PLoS Med. 2012;9(6):e1001242. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001242. Epub 2012 Jun 19. PMID: 22723746; PMCID: PMC3378592.
The Effects of RF-EMF on the Child Brain
The institutional repository of the Touro University System, showcasing the scholarship of faculty, staff, and students.
Knudsen B, Prasad V. COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis in young males: A systematic review. Eur J Clin Invest. 2023 Apr;53(4):e13947. doi: 10.1111/eci.13947. Epub 2023 Jan 3. PMID: 36576362; PMCID: PMC9880674.
Veneri F, Vinceti M, Generali L, Giannone ME, Mazzoleni E, Birnbaum LS, Consolo U, Filippini T. Fluoride exposure and cognitive neurodevelopment: Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. Environ Res. 2023 Mar 15;221:115239. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115239. Epub 2023 Jan 10. PMID: 36639015.
Herbert MR, Sage C. Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link part II. Pathophysiology. 2013 Jun;20(3):211-34. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2013.08.002. Epub 2013 Oct 8. PMID: 24113318.
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Burdick et al.
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Ortega Pacheco YJ, Barrero Toncel VI. The impact of school closure on children's well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asian J Psychiatr. 2022 Jan;67:102957. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102957. Epub 2021 Nov 30. PMID: 34871968; PMCID: PMC8641925
5 Reasons Why Obama Was Pharma's BFF
JAMA network
Zimmerman FJ, Anderson NW. Trends in Health Equity in the United States by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, and Income, 1993-2017. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(6):e196386. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.6386
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Lindsay M. Monte and Daniel J. Perez-Lopez
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Tayebi et al.
A review of neurological side effects of COVID-19 vaccination | European Journal of Medical Research | Full Text
According to reports published in the VAERS database, COVID-19 vaccines have several local and systemic neurological complications that occur in different people, from mild to severe, depending on age, sex, history of the disease, and pre-existing immunity [7]. Complications usually appear within one day to 1 month after ...
Seneff S, Nigh G, Kyriakopoulos AM, McCullough PA. Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs. Food Chem Toxicol. 2022 Jun;164:113008. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113008. Epub 2022 Apr 15. PMID: 35436552; PMCID: PMC9012513.
Rose J, Hulscher N, McCullough PA. Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis. Ther Adv Drug Saf. 2024 Jan 27;15:20420986241226566. doi: 10.1177/20420986241226566. PMID: 38293564; PMCID: PMC10823859.
Brouqui P, Million M, Parola P, Mccullough PA, Raoult D. Outcomes after early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: An analysis of a database of 30,423 COVID-19 patients. New Microbes New Infect. 2023 Oct 30;55:101188. doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2023.101188. PMID: 38024333; PMCID: PMC10651676.
Polykretis P, Donzelli A, Lindsay JC, Wiseman D, Kyriakopoulos AM, Mörz M, Bellavite P, Fukushima M, Seneff S, McCullough PA. Autoimmune inflammatory reactions triggered by the COVID-19 genetic vaccines in terminally differentiated tissues. Autoimmunity. 2023 Dec;56(1):2259123. doi: 10.1080/08916934.2023.2259123. PMID: 37710966.
Central nervous system manifestations following vaccination against COVID-19
Author links open overlay panelSeyed Sepehr Khatami a et al.
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Nature Publishing Group. (2024, April 19). Microplastics are everywhere - we need to understand how they affect human health. Nature News.
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Stephanie Seneff Blogs: Vaccines, glyphosate, ASD
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USA food desert facts:
Gopu BP, Azevedo LB, Duckworth RM, Subramanian MKP, John S, Zohoori FV. The Relationship between Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes from Gestation to Adulthood-A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 20;20(1):22. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20010022. PMID: 36612346; PMCID: PMC9819484.
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