10 Hacks to make your morning coffee healthier
One of the most common questions I get asked is, “what do you put in your coffee in the morning?” First I ask if they really want to know because when I rattle off the ingredients I’m met with my favorite blank stare. Then comes the what, why, and how. Why on earth do you put so many things in your coffee? Does it taste good? What are the benefits? Well if you’ve ever pondered these things this blog post is for you because we’re going for the deep dive.
What are superfoods?
Superfoods are a great place to start.
The word “superfood” is tossed around the wellness world a lot and is a definite buzz-word in the trendy circles but what’s it really all about?
A superfood is really a food found in nature that has a maximum amount of beneficial effects on the body. I consider leafy greens a superfood because calorie for calorie, you’re met with an extraordinary nutritional boost (like that of a multi-vitamin all in food form which the body loves.) In fact every fruit and veggie adds some type of benefit to the body (as long as it’s grown responsibly in nutritionally rich soil and hasn’t been tampered with). Then there are other “concentrated foods” that shall we say are a bit more “exotic” and though found in nature may not be found fresh at your local grocery store or farmer’s market so they’re often purchased dried or as a powder. ie Spirulina, Acai, Gojiberries, Dragonfruit, Elderberries, Green Tea to name a few. But the ones I’m going to be talking about in this post are my favorite ones to add to my morning cup of coffee. I don’t add them all at once, and instead switch off here and there which I find to be most effective. It’s really my favorite way to start the day since I’m not just relying on energy from caffeine, and instead going for the natural boost from the nutrition in my coffee.
Healthy coffee must start with good coffee
I am a big fan of non-toxic, mold-free coffee. (I mean, that shouldn’t be much to ask for, right?) But as it turns out, most coffees are loaded with both and the roasting process doesn’t really make it any better.
I generally start with a pure Wild foods (use nutriyogi12 for 12% off), Kion or Upgraded (Bullet proof) coffee (I use whole beans and mix regular and decaf together to make half caf) And though these brands are definitely pricier than those purchased at a store, I feel better consuming cleaner products especially if it’s something I’m drinking every single morning. That way, if I’m away for a few days and I end up with something else, it won’t affect things too much. Also, if you’re trying to save money, go for the bulk bags which cup for cup comes out to much less than many store bought coffees and certainly cheaper than a coffee store.
Wild foods is small-batch, organic, fair trade coffee, perfect when fasting, cleansing, or living a wild & clean lifestyle.
10 Hacks to make your morning coffee healthier
Turmeric (curcuma longa) and Haridra in Sanskrit, is an Indian spice with remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin, its primary component and what gives it its 1970’s retro yellow color is what’s mostly responsible for these amazing health benefits.
Turmeric is a warming spice with a faint hint of bitterness. It has a rather subtle flavor so you can add it to different varieties of foods for a nutritional boost. Though it’s not curry itself, it is often used in curry powder varieties blended with other herbs. Read more about the healing benefits of turmeric here.
I use a blend of this turmeric spice in my coffee that contains black pepper (for better absorption), along with other healing spices. It can be put into applesauce, yogurt, baked goods, smoothies, soups or with meats or veggies. Further food’s turmeric tonic is literally put into almost everything I make (especially in the Fall). ;)
Maca is an old Peruvian root grown in the Andes mountains which according to studies carries a wide range of healing properties from balancing hormones to increasing libido as well as cognitive function. I use 1 Tbsp of ground maca or a blended maca powder. In addition to coffee, i love maca in my smoothies! Here is a recipe for my Maca Monkey Milkshake renamed “Chocolate Fertility Shake”.
Coconut/MCT oil
Coconut oil has become more and more popular as the science continues to blast off about its benefits. Coconut oil is particularly exciting for it fits into vegetarian, paleo, ketogenic, and vegan diets making it suitable for nearly everyone. Coconuts contain protective MCT (or medium chain triglycerides) that have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It also adds a boost of healthy fats helping to curb those blood sugar swings and aid in satiety.
MCT oil then, is basically coconut oil on crack.! ;)…..It supplies an enormous amount of sustainable energy (I use this one the morning after if I’m up with one of the kids at night or the day of a presentation.) If you’re new to MCT oil, I’d begin with 1 tsp and work up to 1 Tbsp as too much at once can cause digestive discomfort. Bulletproof makes a great one they named Brain Octane.
Grass-fed butter
Speaking of healthy fats...have I convinced you yet that saturated fats can actually be super healthy? The key here is “grass-fed” or “pasture-raised”. This means the cows were fed grass which is what they were meant to eat. It also means there are more benefits like CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) that aids in fat loss and support metabolism. For this, I love the Kerrygold brand or Vital Farms. Also local butter is a great option if you can find it!
Pasture-raised Ghee
If MCT oil is coconut on crack, then ghee is pasture raised butter on crack;) Ghee is clarified butter and a bit easier to digest than butter for it basically lacks casein and lactose and it has a higher smoke point. This saturated fat (used often in India) is pouring with the benefits of grass-fed butter along with a creamy texture that makes it perfect for baking, cooking, or...yes you guessed it...frothing into that cup of coffee!
Sipping away my loaded coffee filled with superfoods and other healthy add-ons!
Adaptagenic Herbs
Attention type A and anxiety- ridden peeps...these herbs may be of interest to you. Adaptagens basically help the nervous system to “adapt” to stress and keep the body in balance. Examples include mushroom varieties (ie shitaki, reishi, lion’s mane, cordyceps) and herbs like Panax ginseng, ashwagandha, wild yam, and licorice to name a few. I like to call them bubble wrap for the nerves so use them every morning. Of course each of these herbs has specific properties within themselves. I use 1-2 tsp Moon juice’s spirit dust for a nice blend of Reishi, Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Mimosa Bark, Dan Shen, Longan Berry & Goji which creates some sweet mood balance and helps me relieve excess tension.
Collagen Powder
Collagen is It’s a naturally occurring protein found in the cartilage, bones and hides of cows and quite similar to the kind we have in our bodies. It’s the major components of skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, bones, gums, teeth, bones, eyes, and blood vessels and its benefits are numerous. Studies have shown favorable outcomes for joint and skin health, vascular health, treatment of pressure ulcers and maintaining gut lining integrity. For more info on building a healthy gut click here!
It’s helped me grow my hair back after both pregnancies and I since doubling from one scoop to 2 scoops, I’ve noticed a big difference in my skin...totally more glowing.. And it helps me get my protein intake during breakfast (which is basically my coffee at 6:30am)
Needless to say, collagen is completely soluble in hot liquids and works amazing in baked goods.
I use Wild foods, (use nutriyogi12 for 12% off), Further Food and Vital Proteins
This is a great addition to coffee in the fall when you want that extra hint of a warming spice. Remember that food is medicine so spices also contain medicinal properties...especially cinnamon. Excellent for blood sugar balance and contains tremendous anti-oxidant properties.
CBD oil
I plan to do a whole entire post on the benefits of CBD but let’s start here with the basics.
Cannabidiol is one of over 100 chemicals, known as cannabinoids, found in cannabis plants, including marijuana and hemp. People often ask, “well would I get high taking it?” The answer is no since Cannabidiol (CBD) is a different compound than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is psychoactive and responsible for the high feeling.
CBD works with non-cannabinoid receptors in the body that impact serotonin function and cell growth and survival. CBD has been shown in studies to exhibit anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects in animal models.
Buyers beware! Many companies are jumping on the band wagon and trying to profit from these benefits and sourcing ingredients from China. It’s important when purchasing to always be sure it’s been third party assessed for potency and purity.
I love Santa Cruz Medicinals and Select CBD for this reason and put them into my coffee for nervous system support as needed.
Raw Cacao powder or my new favorite cocotropic powder (use nutriyogi12 for 12% off) which contains a mushroom blend as well as turmeric and maca root
Hello antioxidants, polyphenals….magnesium. Raw cacao powder not only boasts benefits, but makes your coffee taste amazing! Read more here about the benefits of raw cacao powder.
Note- Because potent superfoods (maca, turmeric, etc) are contraindicated in pregnancy, always check with your doctor before adding to your routine. Always consult your Dr before beginning any supplemental plan.
Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and products sold on this site including but not limited to nutritional supplements, ebooks, programs etc. which generate a tiny profit as the primary income of my blog at no additional cost to you. The greatest wealth is health so thanks for contributing!